we have completed the modernization of a domestic HPP with fully automatic remote control and are currently training on-site personnel
来源: | Writter:bernie | Time:2024-07-08 | 156 click: | 分享到:

Recently, we have completed the modernization of a hydropower station in China, and carried out fully automatic remote control of three units, and are currently training on-site personnel in China. The power station was built in 2010. Three Francis turbine units with a head of 90 meters and a water flow of 1.3m3/s constitute a hydropower station with a total installed capacity of 970KW. The three units are 250KW, 320KW and 400KW respectively. 

Through the modernization of the power station, the automatic control integrated cabinets were installed, which realized the fully automatic remote control of the hydropower station. It has the functions of Manual, automatic start-stop sequence control; Automatic voltage and frequency stabilization, automatic distribution to form load; Gate control; Emergency shutdown; Main circuit, Excitation, Protection, Remote mobile phone monitoring; Constant water level control operation. (With one-button start and stop function), which greatly improves efficiency and safety and makes operation more convenient.