1600KW Kaplan hydro power plant on-site survey and research in Uzbekistan
来源: | Writter:bernie | Time:2024-01-06 | 144 click: | 分享到:

Our hydropower team went to the Tashkent and Andijan regions of Uzbekistan for on-site inspections in December, and made careful, detailed and professional preparations for the signed 1600KW hydropower project. This project started with communicating with the customer about the proposal and quotation at the end of June 2023, and then after two meetings in July and October, the design equipment proposal was initially reached, and the effective head flow and water flow were analyzed through multiple actual inspections of the on-site environmental conditions and detection throughout the year. To stabilize the flow, the proposal for two 800KW dual-unit units was finally determined. The project will start construction in the first half of 2024.